Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Big Brother Season Rankings- #19

These rulings are based off of my opinion of game play, entertainment, and cast. Here are my rankings of worst to best seasons of Big Brother US. 

#19. Season: 16- AKA Derrick Dominates

Game Play: It is hard to rate this season as a whole on game play since Derrick was the only one to actually play the game this year. Every game move that was made this season benefited Derrick. This happened all the way up to Cody selecting who he was taking with him to the final 2. I also still don't understand how Frankie could let Derrick convince him to put up Zach over himself when Frankie won HOH in the top 8. Frankie had an alliance with Zack pretty much the entire game and I think if it came down to it Zack would have stayed loyal to Frankie longer. Derrick never was on the block the entire season and Frankie even realized how good Derrick was playing. He had to choose either Zack or Derrick to go up on the block and still to this day I can't understand Frankie's decision. If Frankie put up Derrick that week it would have been him and Cody on the block and impossible for them to be f2. It was so frustrating to watch!

Entertainment: Similar to season 19, the entire season is controlled by one person. He goes the entire season without every being put on the block. None of the other players were even in Derrick's league. Also the Battle of the Block twist was the worst twist in Big Brother history. The most entertaining thing that happened all season was when Frankie found out that not only did he not win America's Favorite Player, but he wasn't even in the top 3. The look on his face was priceless.

Cast: In college football they have different divisions so that it is fair for teams to play against opponents that they can compete with. I think Big Brother might need to consider doing the same after this season. It was almost not fair watching the other houseguests just get steamrolled every week. None of them knew what they were doing or how to use strategy correctly to make moves that were best for themselves. Victoria is a great example of this and her favorite Big Brother cast member sums it up perfectly.

Overall: Was Derrick really good or was everyone else just really bad? It is debatable. 

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