Sunday, October 28, 2018

Big Brother Season Rankings- #20 (The Worst)

These rulings are based off of my opinion of game play, entertainment, and cast. Here are my rankings of worst to best seasons of Big Brother US. Let's start off with the worst:

#20. Season: 19- AKA Paul's Minions

Game Play: Paul controlled almost every aspect of this season's game and didn't allow anyone else to play which made it by far the worst season in Big Brother US history.

Entertainment: The season starts out entertaining and had moments like when they are making fun of Raven, Christmas' Zing, and Jody trying to play the game against Paul. However, Paul manages to take all the fun and enjoyment out of watching this season. Like when he forced every single person to throw an HOH competition that involved running in a race and if he saw them trying to play, he threatened to put the target on them. Instead of any of them questioning his motives, they all just go along with it. Paul does this so he can have the houseguest with a broken foot win the racing comp.. that involved running. He had a true alliance with her since he thought she was a weak player and could easily be beat in the end.

Who likes to watch someone control everyone to the point where they aren't even allowed to play the game? I would compare the majority of this season to watching a basketball game that has only one team playing and you just watch them throw a ball into a hoop over and over again. Everything is extremely predictable and goes exactly according to plan every week. So Boring!

Cast: Either they have never seen the show before or didn't understand how to play but the majority of this cast just blindly follows Paul. He had them throwing challenges, fighting his battles, and even demanding that they didn't talk game with anyone but him. There was one night where Paul tells Kevin that he had to stay in bed and he was not allowed to get out of it or talk to anyone. If he saw Kevin get up from the bed or have a conversation with anyone but him, he would make Kevin the next target. Instead of Kevin questioning Paul, he agrees and stays in bed for pretty much the entire week not talking to anyone but Paul about the game.

Overall: Boring. Predictable. Uneventful. If you enjoy watching someone play a game and forcing all their opponents to not even try to compete against them, then you will love this season!

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